ABC News

Our club Newsletter

Past and present issues of our club newsletter

November 2021
This issue is all about new members, new halls, league games & our Christmas party
February 2021 - Video
Mathias talking you through the ABC news about finances, membership fees, shuttle sales and the switch from Whatsapp to Signal.
February 2021 - Slides
The slide version on club finances, membership fees, shuttles sales and the switch from Whatsapp to Signal.
November 2020
Online Christmas Party, Who does what on the EB, current state of ABC
October 2020
New EB, halls in winter, spending money on netting and stands, changes in membership fee collection
September 2020
New members, report from the annual Members' meeting 2020 and League Games anouncement,
March 2020
New member presentation, announcing the 2020 Members' Meeting, decisive matches in the league, our summer schedule and the first mention of COVID