Schleifchenturnier? BootCamp? What the heck?

At ABC, we come from over 20 different countries, a lot of us are expats and students. This means members cycle through our club more rapidly than they do at a typical German sports club and may not have had time to learn all the terms and old-style traditions, yet 😉 Here’s an attempt at […]
Photos and Results Schleifchenturnier Summer 2019

Our annual doubles tournament „Schleifchenturnier“ took place on Saturday, June 29th! The occasion to also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the club as well as the 20th anniversary of Bernd in the club (yes, already!) This year, a lot of players came despite of the heat wave that hit Frankfurt on that day and we […]
Schleifchenturnier 10.06.2017 – meldet euch an! // register now!
Am Samstag den 10. Juni ab 13 Uhr findet wieder unser Schleifchenturnier statt! Alle Mitglieder und Fans des ABC sind herzlich willkommen, egal wie gut ihr spielt! Our doubles tournament will take place on Saturday June 10th at 1pm. Regardless of their strength, all members and fans are welcome!
Schleifchenturnier am 29.10. – Anmelden!
Am Samstag den 29.10. ab 13 Uhr findet wieder unser Schleifchenturnier für alle Mitglieder und Fans des ABC statt! Unten gibt es alle Details!