Friedberger Wetterau-Cup 2022
Dear ABC members, Proud to share with you all a wonderful achievement for our club, we are the winners of the Friedberger Wetterau-Cup 2022. A loud cheer to all the members who represented ABC in the tournament and helped bring this success to everyone in the club. These podium finishes together with some […]
A look back at Season 21/22
Dear ABC members, The season has officially come to an end. Later than usual due to a few games being postponed as the other teams had covid cases. And the outcome is quite positive: A bit of a bitter-sweet for Team 1 who ended up 2nd of their league (for a first full year in […]
Badminton in the Easter holidays 2022
Hey ABC, here we go: the summer semester is upon us and finally our large and beautiful summer halls are back!!! We know you’ve all been waiting for this – finally lots of space and high ceilings to practice your game 🙂 There is a bit of a break in this, however, because we will […]
Summer Holidays 2021 – our schedule
The summer holidays in Hessen will be from 19 July to 27 August 2021. This means starting next week we won’t have the usual schedule and instead we will be able to play badminton during these times: Mondays: No Badminton Tuesdays: Valentin-Senger-Schule 19:00 – 22:00h (Valentin-Senger-Straße 9, 60389 Frankfurt) Wednesdays: Valentin-Senger-Schule 19:00 – 22:00h (Valentin-Senger-Straße […]
ABC 2 verliert in Goldbach
Ganz früh an einem bewölkten Novembersonntag fuhren wir in’s ferne Goldbach…weit hinter Aschaffenburg, dort wo Autobahneinhausungen Gewerbegebiete vor zuviel Autolärm schützen. Wir mussten zwar schon gegen 8:30 Uhr aus Frankfurt los, fuhren dafür aber immer auf den sonnigen Horizont zu. Die Stimmung war gut, auch wenn die eiskalte Sporthalle unser Mütchen ein wenig kühlte. Mehr […]